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Gibson "Short Magnum" Crow Call - Product Image
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Gibson "Short Magnum" Crow Call

Price after Crow Busters member discount: $38.70
The Short Magnum Calls are designed by master call maker and Crow Busters Staff Advisor Darrell Gibson. Mr Gibson is sharing the production of these walnut calls with with his long time, call buiding associate Daryal Gosey also of North Carolina. These calls are tuned to perfection BEFORE THEY LEAVE THE SHOP.

The Short Magnum has a fatter barrel which allows for a lot more resonance in the sound chamber. What does this mean to the serious crow hunter ... a loud call that is easy to play and quick to change sounds. This call produces perhaps the most authentic crow sound on the market. If you want to call in crows "up close and personal" then this is the call to have. It is also a fantastic LongBeard locator for Spring Gobbler hunting.

Price: $43.00 

The CrowMart
P.O. Box 234
Hebron, MD 21830
Phone: 410-742-1445
